Duterte: I now consider CPP-NPA-NDF a terrorist group

FOLLOWING the United States’ position, President Rodrigo Duterte declared Sunday that the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front (CPP/NPA/NDF) is now a terrorist group.

The CPP-NPA and its founding chairman Jose Maria Sison have been included in the US terror list since 2002.

Duterte said during his visit in the wake of three slain soldiers in Cagayan de Oro City that the government has already shown its goodwill in the peace process.

“Napapahiya na ako kung minsan sa sagot ng mga p…i… Akala mo kung sino. You give them all the leeway and everything and you return to be, stupid…from now on I will consider the CPP-NPA-NDF a terrorist group,” he said.

He said he already ordered the Immigration Bureau to be on the look out for the CPP-NPA-NDF’s consultants who have been temporarily released due to the peace talks. Some 20 jailed communist leaders were released in August last year so that they could participate in the peace negotiations.

“Arestuhin nyo sila,” Duterte said.

On Saturday night, Duterte said the government was scrapping the peace talks with the NDF, the political wing of the CPP-NPA.

Earlier, the President also terminated the government’s unilateral ceasefire after six soldiers were killed in the attacks allegedly perpetrated by the rebels. ## (SDR/SunStar Philippines)

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